Clarion West Write-a-thon 2013

thai writing

In the summer of 2011 I embarked on an adventure of untold proportions – that is, I took the leap into the deep deep end of fiction writing. Until this point, I had told myself I didn’t write fiction. Nope, nope, nope. But I had always yearned to write fiction, because there is something that happens when I become immersed in a story. Some writers create worlds that are so fantastic and lovely and heartbreaking that even after I’ve finished the last page, some of that world lingers inside my body. I am changed in the most beautiful ways, and I want to do that for other people. So I jumped off the bridge and into the pool of the Clarion West Write-a-thon.

I think it was Alice Walker who said, “write the stories you want to read.” I would add to that, write the stories you want to be. I am writing myself into being, populating my landscapes with strong female characters who kick ass.

Clarion West is about supporting writers and community – there is the community of writers, and there is the community that supports each writer. You are my community, and I love the spiral feeling of support from inside and out. Every donation makes a difference, even just a few dollars. Stories change lives. Think of the last one you read that changed yours. Imagine how many more stories are out there, waiting to be told and heard. There is a wonderful TED talk about the The Danger of a Single Story by Chimamanda Adichie and why we need more voices, more diversity in storytelling, more stories. The Clarion West six-week workshop supports writers to do just that.

Please consider sponsoring me this year. Also, it’s not to late to join the fun! You can also sign up until June 22nd, when it officially starts.

ETA: If you are sponsoring me for 2014, this is the link.

Thank you.

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